

Travel Journal

Posts in Central America
Island in the Sun

I looked woefully out of place, my dirty shoes still wet from river rafting the day before. I couldn’t help but smile…this was my life lately. Chaotically different, one day to the next. One night I was falling asleep in a five star resort, surrounded by six down pillows. The next night I was pitching a tent, or falling asleep in the back of my truck.

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Playa Dominical, Costa Rica

I tiptoed through the dorm room past eight sleeping strangers and closed the bathroom door. A shower seemed like a good idea, but the drain was clogged and held at least a few inches of water hostage. I turned on the water and let it run over my hands for a few minutes. Ice cold. I gave up and put my dirty clothes back on, brushed my teeth and packed my little red bag. 

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